Community Newsletter Issue #2


In this special edition, we’re celebrating community groups in Scotland who have come together, gathered volunteers and distributed supplies to help those most in need.

One of them is Greener Kirkcaldy. We speak to Geraldine O’Riordan who works as a Project Coordinator in the team. The group has utilised surplus resources to help those in need and reduce waste at the same time.

In that spirit, the rest of the issue is jam packed with food waste saving advice and inspiration. We’ve created a downloadable weekly planner to simplify mealtimes and reduce food waste in the kitchen. Instagram sensation the Batch Lady has served up some of her advice, saving you time and stress. Also, now that you’ve picked your compost bin, find out what to feed it. Confused about date labels? We’ve given you a rundown on what they actually mean. Finally, flytipping is a menace that spoils local communities. Find out how you can prevent it.


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